Tuesday, September 22, 2020

How to Get the Latest Video Game Consoles

If you are a big fan of video games then you know that the latest generation of consoles from both Sony and Microsoft recently became available for pre-order. Shortly after, the pre-order allocation sold out. Now it Seemingly looks like the only way to get one of the newest consoles is to wait in line on release day or hope that you will get lucky and more units will be made available for pre-order at the exact time to you look on some retailers online site. Fortunately there is another way to get one of the latest video game consoles.

So what is the secret to getting one of the latest video game consoles? It is really quite simple. You just have to wait. I know that sounds like blaspheme but those who are patient will win this battle. The rest of my post will focus on why this is a smart move.

The first reason to wait is to stick it to the scalpers. A lot of people purchased several consoles in the hopes of selling them for a huge profit. Those that panic and need to have a console on day 1 will end up paying extra to those scalpers. Now if we collectively decide not to pay the premium and just wait, the scalpers will be punished by their own greed and get stuck with machines they won't be able to sell. I know this advice will not be followed by everyone but think of how it will effect scalper behavior in the future if we all agreed not to give in and pay their exorbitant costs.

Now let's be honest with ourselves, is there a game worth playing on day 1 of the console launch? I remember what happened when I got my PS4 on launch day. I picked up one of the launch games and still have yet to play it. I will admit that my sons took over the console and never gave me the chance to play but the reality is that most of the really good games arrived months later. I know both companies are trying to make the consoles worth buying on day 1 but I have a nice backlog of games for the existing consoles that will keep me busy for the foreseeable future. Furthermore most launch titles seem to show up for previous game consoles as well.

Microsoft's consoles will be in stores on November 10th and Sony's on the 12th. Those are both in the middle of the week (Tuesday and Thursday respectively). I have to go to work. If I did get the console on one of those days, I would have to wait until the weekend to start playing. Ideally I would pick up the console right before Thanksgiving so I could keep myself entertained during the long break . . . if I am not skiing. Looking at historical data from previous console launches, new inventory arrives at stores weekly. All you need to do is ask your local stores nicely when the next shipment will arrive and plan to be at the store early on those days. That gives you around 6 weeks to get lucky if you are looking to put one of the consoles under the Christmas tree.

Now for the big reveal. I actually work for one of the two video game console makers and it is company policy that I disclose this information so as not to mislead anyone. It is probably no secret that I work for PlayStation as I have always been a fan since my older brother worked for them and have the most experience with Sony products. So the next question is if I will be getting a PlayStation 5 on launch day? When the PlayStation 4 came out, all employees had the option of pre-ordering one that actually arrived 2 days early. Naturally I got one. We are still waiting for details on what will happen for employees with the PlayStation 5 but I imagine it will be similar to the PS4 launch with one or two minor differences. I plan to pick one up. Unfortunately I won't be able to use it until the weekend as I do have to go to work and have other projects that will keep me from playing games. However if I am not able to get one from work, I will follow my own advice and wait patiently for stores to have them restocked.

Oh, one last thing. While I work for Sony Interactive Entertainment (or PlayStation), I don't speak for the company and am very restricted in what I can say. All opinions represented are my own.


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