Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Your Mobile Phone is Making You Unlikable

This morning my son sent me an article from Forbes talking about 9 different habits that make you less likeable. It is a great article in that it first talks about why it is important for people to like you. While some people may discount likeability, the article quotes a UCLA study about top traits for great leaders and they all boil down to likeability.

Scrolling through the list of 9 things that make one less likeable, I discovered that I probably have some changes in my own behavior that I need to make. One that caught my eye though is "Whipping out your phone." I thought about this one for a minute and realized that I really hate it when I am having a conversation with someone and they pull out their phone to check a message or look up something.

To quote the article: "Nothing turns someone off to you like a mid-conversation text message or even a quick glance at your phone. When you commit to a conversation, focus all of your energy on the conversation. You’ll find that conversations are more enjoyable and effective when you immerse yourself in them."

While you may be waiting for an important text or notification, unless someone is dying, you can most likely wait until your in-person conversation is over before pulling out your phone.

Now if I can get my own adult children to read this blog entry, I will be a happy father.

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