Thursday, October 6, 2022

What is the Metaverse

Today I watched a presentation on the Metaverse and the speaker began by talking about what it is not. He prefaced those remarks by saying that he would be breaking a fundamental rule by so doing. I don't fault him for it as quite a few people are trying to define what it is and a number of companies are working to help create it in the hopes of making large fortunes.

Before continuing  I have to go back a few years when Facebook changed it's name to Meta. Facebook was created as an online social site where people could go share the highlights of their lives. With the passing of time they realized that people will continue to evolve with how they interact online and it is no coincidence that Meta is one of the leaders promoting the Metaverse. It would not surprise me if they try to trademark the name as it so closely matches their own company name.

Ultimately the Metaverse is already in existence and is simply how we interact online. Just as any technology evolves, so will the Metaverse. Right now we use a computer, tablet, smartphone, or game console to interact online. Those tools that we use will evolve to include virtual reality (VR) headsets and augmented reality (AR) glasses. There will be other inventions to come along so that it might evolve into an environment similar to the OASIS from the movie Ready Player One. Unfortunately that is our interpretation of the Metaverse and most likely it will be different. Just as we currently have multiple devices capable of browsing the Internet, the Metaverse won't require VR glasses, they will just be helpful to get the full experience of the environment.

One of the topics that surfaced in the presentation I watched included current video games. There are a number of wondrous worlds created for the latest video games and it would be enjoyable to spend more time in them. Often times we are rushed through the action adventure story and never get the chance to stop and enjoy the environment we are in. I feel that way about my current game, Horizon: Forbidden West. While I could just stop, sit on a rock, and watch a sunrise in the game, there isn't enough sensory stimulation in my current interface to make me want to stop. Perhaps that will be there in the future.

There are some other video games that could become building blocks to the Metaverse. The two big ones mentioned are Roblox and Minecraft. Both allow you to build and create things. I always tell people that Minecraft is like Legos without the mess. The reason they are important is that they show how users can add to their existing game environment. Imagine being able to create your own world and then watch how popular it becomes as others come to explore it. It reminds me of my YouTube channel and the importance of acquiring new viewers. Of course some will want to keep their worlds to themselves but there is an inherent trait in most to share their art with others.

Right now the Metaverse is in its infancy and is built on the current Internet infrastructure. It is how we interact socially online and will grow and blossom as we create more content for it. Will any one company control it? I hope not. I also hope that it becomes a benefit for us instead of another waste of time.

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