Thursday, March 10, 2011

Too Much Data

Yesterday I started a database report and let it run all day. When I was ready to leave work and the report was still not done, I let it run overnight. I figured if I came in this morning and the report was still running, I would try to figure out what the problem was and see if I could fix it.

I got into the office this morning and the report was still running. I had to have the report done this afternoon to send to management. I had no faith that the report would complete by the time it was due and so I started looking into other methods of creating it. On the off chance my report was going to eventually complete, I let it run.

Most modern databases are fairly smart, have efficient algorithms, and are pretty good at figuring the best way of doing things, but they are not perfect. I was able to come up with another way of getting the information and discovered an assumption I had made about the data was false. Instead of asking for a subset of the data from a single source, I was asking for all the data from multiple sources joined together in such a way that was overwhelming. Discovering this problem allowed me to finish the report and get it out on time.

This whole experience underscored the importance of not making assumptions.

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