Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Super Motherload on the PS4

Several years ago my son introduced me to an Adobe Flash game called MotherLoad. It was incredibly addicting and so when I saw that one of the PS4 launch titles was Super Motherload, I wanted to see if it was a similar game. It is and so once I was able to log into the PlayStation Network, I used some free credits to pay for the $15 game.

The idea of the game is to dig holes in a 2-dimensional world. There are some simple physics with digging and you use a helicopter rotor to fly out of your holes. As you dig, you mine minerals. Some pay better than others just like in the real world. The deeper you dig, the more expensive the materials you find as well as more dangerous hazards you encounter. The game is a balance of fixing and gassing up your digging machine while earning money.

Super Motherload has a number of differences with the original Flash game. For instance, you can have up to 4 players at the same time. This is a perfect reason to get a second controller for your PS4. As all of you have to stay in the screen at the same time, one player can't head to the surface while the other continues digging. You have to communicate about when you go back for more gas.

I knew I was headed out of town and so I didn't mind that my son wanted to play the game late Saturday evening. We played until well past midnight and had a great time. Having played the original version of the game, we had a pretty sound strategy for getting rich quick. The game is different enough though that we had to adjust our play somewhat. I have to say that the adjustments contributed to the fun.

We have yet to play the game through to the end but I imagine we will have time during the upcoming Thanksgiving break.

Super Motherload is not a triple-A title on the PS4, nor is it priced like one. If you are looking for a simple video game to play on your PS4 with friends and family over the Holiday season, I would consider buying it.

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