Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hard-Working Uber Drivers

I spent the first couple days of the week at Disneyland. Yesterday I didn't want to bother my wife and make her drive me to the Los Angeles International airport at 4:30 in the morning and so I took Uber. I think the $50 cost was worth it to my wife and two daughters who would have hated taking me at such an early hour.

I got in the car and started up my usual Uber conversation. I asked questions like, "How long have you been driving for Uber?" It came out that the driver would soon be quitting. He has 2 kids in college and has been driving to supplement his normal income to help pay tuition. His son will be graduating in December. It impressed me that my driver would wake up at 4am every day, drive to Disneyland, pick up a customer, and drive near the airport where he works his regular job. Then he would do the reverse each evening. He did this for his kids and I have to admire that.

With ride-share services such as Lyft or Uber, anyone with a car should have a job if they need one. My Wednesday morning driver realized that he needed a bit of extra money to help with his kids' college and signed up with Uber. He doesn't drive all day, every day. Instead he drives one trip in the morning to near where he works and then one in the evening. He also confessed to driving a few people on weekends as well. So if you find yourself needing a little extra spending money, take a page from this playbook and consider driving for Uber or Lyft.

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