Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Its Election Season Again

Today I got my mail-in ballot for the upcoming election. I will be so happy when election season is over as I am getting tired of all the mudslinging and name calling. I don't watch very much television but I am still seeing a lot of political ads. Personally I believe the desire to be an elected official disqualifies one from the position.

Every Wednesday we have a weekly social where a group of us gather on a video conferencing system and just chat. We don't talk much about work with the few exceptions of discussing the upcoming next-generation-console releases. As you can guess, today's topic was the election. I jokingly threw out the idea of just having candidates pay people for votes instead of spending all that money on useless advertising. Yes it is illegal but then at least we could stop having so many political ads. Think about it. Experts have estimated there will be around $7 Billion spent on advertising this year. Pulling out my trusty calculator and armed with the knowledge there are around 320 Million people in the United States, it works out to around $20 per person. Remember that I mentioned this is illegal so we can't do it.

So how do we cut down on election advertising spending? I propose the following: every dollar spent on political advertisements should be matched in a voter pool. That means if President Trump spends $1 on the election, a second dollar has to put into this voter pool. The same for former Vice President Biden. Then at the end of the election, the money in the voter pool should be split equally among every registered voter in the country. Instead of dreading election season, we might all start looking forward to it. I'm also sure it would get people to register that currently are not. What do you think?

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