Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The Right Size 4K Monitor

When I got my latest computer a few months ago, I made sure to pick up a 4K monitor. I started with a 27-inch one and quickly discovered that I couldn't really use all the pixels. I had to scale up the display or sit really close to the monitor with my reading glasses. That isn't very practical and so I looked for a new one. 

Instead of spending a lot of money, I purchased an inexpensive 4K 43-inch TV from Walmart.com for less than $200. My son makes fun of me because he thinks the quality of the image is not that great. For how I use my computer, it is perfect for me. I would not recommend this solution for someone doing extensive photo editing or creating scenic videos. But if you spend most of your time reading e-mail and surfing the web, it does a great job. 

The important thing is getting the right size. With almost 4,000 horizontal pixels (3840 actually) and 2160 vertical pixels, it is the equivalent of 4-1080p monitors stacked next to each other. It is a huge improvement of the 2-1080p monitors I had before it.

So remember when you go to get a 4K monitor, it isn't the number of pixels that is important, it is the size of those pixels. If the monitor is too small, you have to sit too close. If it is too large, it might not fit on your desk. My personal opinion is that 43-inches is about perfect for 4K.

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