Monday, December 28, 2020

30 Years of Marriage

This week marks my wife and my 30th year of marriage. That is a significant milestone. No it doesn't have anything to do with technology or computers but I figured it is worth noting. In honor of my wife I figure it is only fair to share some of the comments she has made about technology and my career choice in the past.

When my wife and I first got married, she would tell people that, "While nerd may be a 4-letter word in high-school, it is an excellent career choice for a husband." Technology has generally done fairly well in keeping our bills paid and she recognized that early on. That being said, there have been several years in our married life where that wasn't the case. That can be said of quite a few career choices though.

My brothers also chose computers for their careers and we used to talk a lot about technologies when we would get together at family events. Often we would talk about the latest advances or our latest toys. My older brother's wife would make some comment about boring shop talk and my wife would quickly respond, "It's fine to talk about as it pays our bills." Yes, computers and technology can be a bit of a conversation bore for those not in the industry but I appreciate my wife putting up with and seeming interested in countless discussions we have had. 

Now for those thinking that Christmas is a great time to get married, I would say that it is. The only downside is that it is an awful time for your anniversary. We always wait until February to celebrate because trying to take a trip at Christmas is expensive and interferes with a lot of other things. Should you be considering a Christmas wedding, I suggest waiting until at least January. What a great way to start the new year.

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