Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Work from Home Tips: Having a Comfortable Work Area

This afternoon I had a video conference meeting and one of the participants listed that this is the 60th week of working from home. Some are counting down the days until we can return to the office. I have actually thrived in the current work-from-home environment and so I thought I would share some of the things that have helped me. Not everyone will be able to use all of these tips but I am hoping that one or two of them will help you out. The one I would like to highlight in this post is that of having a comfortable work area.

I have worked from home for a large part of my career. I have always had a home office and it has evolved over the years. I originally started in one of the bedrooms but then found I needed more space. Ultimately I migrated to the basement where I have a rather large-windowless room. I lined one of the walls with bookshelves, added a number of tables to complement my desk, and good lighting. We had a rather large scrap of carpet to lay on top of the concrete floor and it is a comfortable room for me. My wife would hate it but I enjoy the not-quite finished feel of the room. One added benefit of being in the basement is that it stays very cool during the summer months. It is also cool during the winter ones but I make sure to dress for the conditions and keep a space heater under the desk.

I have a neighbor who is envious of my home office. When he started working from home, he moved into his boys bedroom while they are at school. I also notice that a lot of people are utilizing their own bedrooms for their home office. One of the people I meet with on a regular basis is using a closet as his home office. While these accommodations work, they are not ideal. 

Unfortunately not everyone has the luxury of a spare room in their basement away from the family and the rest of one's personal life. People can only make due with what they have and so that leads me to my next point: make sure you have the tools you need to do your job. Last year I wrote about having a 43-inch 4K computer monitor. This is one of the tools that helps me get a lot done. A 4K monitor is the equivalent of having 4 HD monitors on your desk. It really allows me to keep a lot of applications open all at the same time. If you spend a lot of time on the computer, I highly recommend one. I also have a color laser printer, my laptop with its screen and a 2nd HD monitor. I use all of this equipment and it helps to create a better work environment than I have in my office in San Mateo.

The final piece of equipment I want to mention is that of my office chair. Sony recognized that not everyone has a great office chair at home and allowed us to come grab our expensive-yet-comfortable chairs and bring them home. I have a great chair already and didn't need the loaner from Sony. If your work doesn't provide a comfortable chair, spend a little money and pick one up. A good chair really helps with productivity.

My home office doesn't have a door but I don't really need one. I am the only person home during the work day and don't need to worry about little children needing entertainment. I know it can be a delicate balance between being able to work from home and also caring for your children. About the only advice I can give is to train your kids that a closed door means mommy or daddy is at work and cannot be disturbed. The door won't make your office or work area more comfortable but it will keep the distractions down a bit.

Having a comfortable work area is only a start. I hope to have more tips on working from home over the next several posts. Perhaps you will find them useful.

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