Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Working From Home, Do I Need a Car?

My wife and I used to own 3 cars for the two of us. She drives a Jeep Wrangler, I have a truck that I mostly use in the winter and I used to have a sedan that I mostly drove in the summer months. Unfortunately the sedan started having mechanical problems and so I sold it. Then this last week, my truck has been in the shop with a warranty repair. It didn't need to be in the shop for a week but the extended warranty company wanted to make sure they didn't pay for unnecessary repairs.

I have to be honest, because I work from home, I hardly noticed my truck was gone. I don't really go anywhere and I am fine with that. I do need to exercise and so I go for a morning bike ride and get out of the house. Normally I try to keep that ride under an hour and end up going about 16 miles. Some people I know get a little stir crazy and need to get out of the house, which is part of the point of my daily ride.

Now my wife really missed my truck this week. She wanted to go to the hardware store and pick up garden supplies. Supplies that won't fit in the back of a 2-door Jeep. I got the truck back last night and my son informed me he needed to go pick up more supplies for finishing his basement. My wife interjected and said that he couldn't use it until she was done.

While I don't doubt we need the truck, I do question the necessity of owning 2 vehicles in the summer when I work from home. The cost of a second car is fairly significant considering annual licensing, insurance, gas, and maintenance not to mention the purchase price. That is one area where a lot of people could cut down on monthly expenses. 

Unfortunately that second car becomes very important during ski season as I try to get to the mountain every morning before work. I suppose I could convince my wife to come with me and that would eliminate the need for a second vehicle throughout the year. That didn't work this year though and I doubt it will next. Otherwise I think we really could not just survive but thrive with a single car. I'd be interested in your thoughts.

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