Monday, August 21, 2023

Smartphone Magic Tricks

My oldest grandson and I have a great relationship. He is only 6 years old and hasn't yet learned to hate adults yet. Of course it helps that I am one of those grandparents that takes him to Hawaii, Disneyland, and skiing. I talked with my son earlier today and he mentioned his wife is still made I took my grandson skiing for the first time without her.

I keep a large bag of chocolate chips in my pantry that I will occasionally snack from. This comes from never being able to snack on chocolate chips as a child. All of the chips had to go into the cookie dough. Now that I am older, I don't have that rule and make sure to share generous piles of chocolate chips with all of my grandkids whenever they visit. They like this as do I.

A few years ago, I spent some time talking to my oldest grandson on a video call. I asked him if he wanted some chocolate chips. He was smart enough to know that you can't pass physical objects back and forth through the phone. Fortunately his mom picked up on the trick I was about to perform. She snuck to their pantry and got a handful of chocolate chips and held it discretely under the phone. Then I dropped some chips in front of the camera so it looked like the phone was depositing them into her hand. My grandson was amazed.

I will eventually have to tell my grandson about how I pulled off that trick but he still tells his sister and cousins about how his Grandpa can send chocolate chips through phones.

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