Thursday, January 13, 2011

Holy Cow, It Worked!

Yesterday I wrote about constructive procrastination and how I was thinking about solving a problem while I was writing the blog. As soon as I posted the entry, I went to work using some of the ideas I formulated. Ten minutes later my problem was solved and I was moving on to my next project. I should procrastinate more often.

Today there were no problems with my new project. I am reworking something I did a few months ago and took such good notes the first time that I had everything working quickly. I really like having good notes handy.

This brings up the topic of how to best keep notes. Usually I keep a paper notebook. Lately I have found that it is much easier to cut and paste information into an electronic document. It saves a lot of time over writing things down. I can also cut and paste out of the document and into the programs I am using, which saves even more time. Then to make things really easy, I just store all of my notes in a directory called . . . you guessed it, "notes." The name of the file is what the note is about. It really helps to streamline things.

My Tomcat problem took longer than expected to solve. My notes helped me finish my next task quicker than expected. Now I find myself on schedule and ready to begin the next project. I wonder if I can really claim procrastination as a tool that helped me solve a problem?

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