Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween

This year Halloween is on a Tuesday and so I find myself in the Bay Area. Nobody will come trick-or-treating to my boat and so there is no need to provide anyone with candy. That is a good thing because I don't need any candy tempting me to eat more sugar than I already do. So I am wondering what I will do to make today unique from any other day of the week that I am on the boat.

I thought about playing a scary game. One of the free games for PS Plus subscribers is called Amnesia and is supposed to be scary. I started playing it at work last week and decided it is not a game that I enjoy, so I stopped playing it. This surprised a lot of my coworkers as they have all seen the critical acclaim it has received. Instead I will continue playing Uncharted 4. It should be a fun evening but not really different than last night as I did the same thing.

While I may not be in the Halloween mood, I have decided that tomorrow I will string up Christmas lights on my boat. Last year I did that for the first time and liked it so much I am looking forward to doing it again this year. Sure Christmas is several months away but I always enjoy the season and am looking forward to starting early this year. In the mean time, I hope everyone enjoys Halloween this year.

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