Saturday, December 16, 2017

Christmas List 2017

Every year I try to put together a Christmas list for those of you interested in ideas on what to get that nerd in your life. This year I have come to the conclusion that I am not your typical nerd. A few weeks ago I talked with a few guys in the airport while waiting to catch my flight. During the conversation it came out that they both spend free time developing mobile games when they are not at work in front of their computers. I discovered a long time ago that every man needs a hobby and while computers pay my bills, I need something different to occupy my free time. I spend my winters skiing and my summers rock climbing, cycling, and sailing. So this year, I want to create two lists: one for the really nerdy person in your life and one for the nerdy person that you don't want to be nerdy any more.

Nerd List:

  • Second or third phone charger - I have two phones that I carry around on a daily basis and so I like to keep chargers in places I may need to use them. I have a charger on my sailboat in California for when I am there during the week. I also keep spare chargers at my office in addition to the ones I keep at home. I hardly spend any time in my car but I have recently put some there for those long drives I am starting to take more often. These can be found relatively cheaply and cost around $10 - $20.
  • Classic video games for the latest generation of consoles - The latest consoles have been out for a while and some of the original games that have been out since launch can be found at places like GameStop, Best Buy, or Target for next to nothing. Look through your nerd's stash of games and see if there are not some classics that can be found inexpensively. One of the best sites to visit for reviews is Metacritic and you will find a number of high-quality games to choose from.
  • Steam Gift Cards - Not everybody uses consoles to play video games. Some like to game on their computers. For those that don't know what games to get but have someone that likes to play games on the PC, there is always a Steam Gift Card.
  • Smartphone case - Mobile phones are replacing laptop computers as the computing device being used most frequently. I am pretty good about not dropping my phone but it does happen. I highly recommend getting a protective case for that special someone in your life that spends a lot of time on the phone. There are a number of different models and features to choose from. My preference is to have one that doesn't add a lot of bulk to the phone but still has some level of protection.
Reformed Nerd List (my preferred list this year):
  • A National Parks annual pass - I love visiting Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Zion National Parks as well as many others. There are a large number of National Parks and so I highly recommend getting an annual pass. At only $80 for a year, it is really inexpensive. When my daughters complained about the current administration tripling the entrance fee to certain overcrowded National Parks during peak season, I realized that an annual pass is only a few dollars more and will allow you to visit every park in the country all year long. I really hope I have one in my Christmas stocking this year.
  • A Bird Identification Book - Recently I rode my bike to work and rode next to a beautiful bird and would love to know what species it belongs to. It was black with beautiful red markings on its wings. I have never been much of a bird watcher but think it would be a fun thing to get into as I spend my time outside. A good set of binoculars would make a nice companion gift.
  • Global Entry or TSA Pre - This year my wife put something interesting on her Christmas list: experiences. She said she would prefer experiences over "stuff." While there are a number of experiences that can be had close to home, sometimes you need to get on a plane. I signed up for Global Entry earlier in the year and it has made travelling so much easier. When I came back from Japan a few weeks ago, I got through Los Angeles International Airport's (LAX) customs and immigration in under 7 minutes. It used to take me almost 30. Global Entry also comes with TSA Pre which gets me through all domestic airport security lanes significantly faster and with much less hassle than before. At $100, Global Entry is well worth the price. If you don't plan to do any international travel, TSA Pre is only $85 and much easier to get.
  • Rock Climbing Guides - This gift is rather specific to me but should serve as an idea for other gifts. It is great to be able to find a guide book to help me locate good climbing areas close to home. I have also picked up guides for famous venues such as Yosemite and Zion National Parks. There are a number of other great climbing places that I would like to find out about and guide books are a great way to do that.
  • Waterproof protective phone case - Yes, this appears on both lists because recently I have started doing some Canyoneering where you have to swim through parts of the canyon. Dry bags are recommended but make it tough to take pictures of your adventure. I have a waterproof phone case that I use for such events and am glad I have it. I don't use it on a daily basis because it adds too much bulk to my phone.
As always, I hope this gives you some ideas for that computer person in your life as you try to find last-minute Christmas Gift Ideas. If none of these seem to be the right gift, then might I suggest good old fashioned kindness and Holiday cheer.

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