Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Amazon Prime Air

If you are looking for the best price on something, you can generally find it on the Internet. There are a few exceptions to this rule but a lot of shoppers have resorted to buying things online. The only problem is you have to wait for your stuff to arrive. Amazon thinks they have a solution: Amazon Prime Air. They want to use large remote control helicopter drones as a delivery mechanism.

I applaud Amazon for thinking out of the box. I just think they need to hire some 14-year-old boys for consultants on this one though. Imagine you are a teenage boy with nothing to do on a summer afternoon. You are lying on the grass with some of your buddies trying to figure out what to do. Someone notices an Amazon drone fly by and it is carrying a box with an unknown prize inside. All of a sudden you and your buddies are grabbing your BB guns and are at the carnival games. Instead of winning a stuffed animal when you shoot your target, you get an iPad or Android smart phone.

Many years ago I purchased a trampoline and set it up in my backyard. I had a chain-link fence around the yard to keep unwanted kids from playing on it and getting hurt. One of my neighbors was a lawyer and suggested I put wood slats in the chain-link fence as it represented an "attractive nuisance" liability. That means a kid could walk by, see the trampoline, climb the fence, jump on it, get hurt, and have his parents sue me successfully. I know that there are a number of conditions that need to be met, but I also think that a good lawyer could use it as a defense should one of these 14-year-old boys get caught shooting Amazon drones. That assumes they ever do get caught.

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