Friday, January 11, 2013

Logical Thinking

Today has been a very emotionally charged day. I was awoken early this morning with some relatively bad news from home. Nobody died or anything quite that tragic, but it still had me thinking with my emotions instead of logically. One nice thing about dealing with computers every day is how emotionless they are. One plus one will always equal two on a computer. When you are dealing with humans, sometimes you get different numbers and that can be confusing.

Unfortunately I am not the only one that thinks emotionally sometimes. I don't think politicians know how to make decisions that aren't emotionally based. That can explain all of the bickering that is taking place in the US congress right now. Sometimes I wish they would think like a computer every once and a while and make a decision based on logic instead of which party proposed the idea. A democrat or a republican could propose the perfect solution and the other party would vote it down simply because it came from the other side.

I was listening to a commentary on the radio just after Congress passed an emergency measure to keep the country from going off the fiscal cliff. If we go back to the original tax cuts that President Bush proposed, the democrats opposed them but they passed anyways. Now the democrats think they are a good idea and just couldn't agree with the republicans on which cuts to keep. From a logical perspective, it doesn't make sense.

Listening to all of the politicians in this country makes me glad that I work with computers. It provides my life with structure an logic. Now if we could just pass along some of that to Washington D. C. we might be able to solve some of the real problems facing our country. I'm not holding my breath though.

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