Monday, December 5, 2022

In Person vs. Joining From Home

Today begins the annual Sony Technology Expo Fair or STEF. It is a chance for different research and development groups to showcase the work being done. In the past, I have been able to attend in person but this year I am attending from the comfort of my own home. Unfortunately I am not able to share any upcoming technology due to my confidentiality agreement. Let me just say that there are some very interesting things on the horizon.

This morning I woke up early and had to give up my usual morning exercise to attend the first group of meetings. I didn't mind though because should I have wished to attend in Japan, I would have had to catch a flight Saturday morning and missed a lot more than just an hour or two of my daily workout. Furthermore I was not feeling 100% this morning. I would have had to excuse myself from an in-person meeting for about an hour. Instead, I could bring my laptop to the couch and lie down while I recovered.

Today I hosted a series of meetings on AI and Data. Those meetings are now done and I can relax for the rest of the week. Had I made the trek to Tokyo, I would still have 4 more days of meetings and events to attend. Instead I can return to my normal schedule and get real work done.

All of the convenience of not having to get on a plane does come at a cost though. There is something to be said for meeting people face-to-face and shaking hands. It is also easier to have a lot more energy leading a discussion. By the end of today, I felt like everyone was so worn out, they couldn't wait for the last presentation to end even though it was very interesting and effects 125 million PlayStation consoles.

Fortunately the restrictions from COVID are loosening and next year I will be able to attend STEF in person. It is a great event and I love seeing all the cool stuff coming out from other parts of Sony. While I get the idea from online presentations, there is nothing like seeing the new lineup of televisions and other consumer electronics.

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