Friday, December 9, 2022

Why So Many Apps?

Lately it feels like there is an app for anything you want to do. I am not a fan of loading up my mobile phone with a ton of applications (or apps) that I rarely use. After all, isn't that the reason we have the web? You can create the same thing you would use an app for with a general HTML page.

Right now I have about a dozen apps I should install on my phone. Instead I prefer to use my browser and have not loaded them up. Whenever I try to use IMDB on my phone to look up an actor, it suggests I load the app. Naturally I decline and just use the web interface. It does what I need. I also use the Google page instead of loading the special Google app. The web works just fine.

This evening I used the website for Virgin Pulse to input my healthy habits for the day. Sure I could load up another app on my smartphone but don't want to. There are many more examples I come across weekly and wonder what I can do to let vendors know I don't want another app. Why? For the simple reason apps take up space on my phone and I prefer to save that space for important stuff like cool pictures or videos. Perhaps you feel the same way.

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