Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Satisfaction in Coding

A couple of days ago I was adding an entry to this blog when I noticed that I had "Assembly Language" as one of my labels. It briefly reminded me of some assembly language programming I had to do while in college. For those that don't know, assembly language is one step above the ones and zeros that computers understand. Nobody wants to remember that 00000001 is the command to move the contents of register A to register B and so the designers of the Intel 8088 microprocessor created the MOVAB command. MOVAB is much easier to understand for us humans. Very few people program in Assembly Language as it can be rather tedious. However those programs are small and run incredibly fast.

Thinking back to my college classes reminded me how much fun coding is. When I first started at my current job, I got to do quite a bit of SQL coding. Now I do less and less as I am managing a bunch of developers. Every once and a while, I will get to do something technical and I feel a great sense of satisfaction.

Last night I got back to my boat early and had time to play around with a bit of coding. It felt good to create few lines of Python and watch them do something interesting. Once again, I am back on the boat early and plan to continue with my sample coding. I'm not planning to write the next version of Tetris or a better game than Angry Birds, but that doesn't matter. Coding allows me to build something. It allows me to create something. Writing software allows me to turn ideas into reality with virtually no cost other than my time. That alone is its own reward.

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