Thursday, December 22, 2016

A Robot Duster

Last Christmas I got my wife a robot vacuum and felt pretty proud of myself for such an awesome gift. I have to say that after a year of having one, it has dramatically cut down on the amount of vacuuming I have been required to do. I still take care of the weekly laundry and dishes, but I fit those in during spare moments of my weekends. The robot vacuum got me thinking about other household chores that could be automated. With all of the quadcopter devices out there, how about engineering one into a robot to do your dusting?

I told that idea to my wife and she wants me to run out and patent the idea before someone else does. Unfortunately I don't think it is a very practical invention. I don't do a lot of dusting but when I do, I often have to take things off of tables and then replace them. That might be a bit much for a quadcopter duster. About all it would be good for is flying over a table and moving the dust from the surface into the surrounding air.

I am also worried about the liability of a quadcopter duster. My wife has a number of glass figures sprinkled throughout the house and I can imagine coming home to find them all in pieces on the ground. That could be easily rectified by hiding the glass figures behind glass doors but I don't think that is an appropriate solution.

Industrial robots have revolutionized the manufacturing industry and now there are a number of companies looking to figure out how robots can help us in our daily lives. The trick is to make them useful and not just expensive gadgets to show off to your friends. The robot vacuum is a good start, so now the question is: What's next?

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