Tuesday, December 31, 2013

So Long To 2013

The year 2013 has been a pretty good year. I started the year writing about winter driving and linked to a video of winter driving accidents. It was one of my most popular posts for some reason. Then in February, the PlayStation 4 announcement was made. It would be a topic for many blog entries throughout the year.

March saw me venting about poorly manufactured Chinese goods. That is something that continues to plague us all. Unfortunately I don't think it is something that will be going away any time soon. It is too bad that we can't come up with an easier way to manufacture goods in the United States for less money.

Summer was busy and I was able to experience a nice vacation from technology. It happened not only once, but twice, thanks to a lengthy backpacking trip in the New Mexico mountains. It was nice at the time, but after spending my Christmas break working on cars, I'm glad I have chosen computers as my primary vocation. Automotive repair is fun for a limited amount of time, but it is now really starting to get on my nerves.

August saw me revising my computer recommendation for kids heading out to college.  While I used to be a fan of Apple laptops, I now prefer a Sony laptop running Windows that either dual boots to Linux or runs a Linux virtual machine (VM). Hopefully Apple can stop their downhill slide with respect to quality.

This past fall I found myself having to recover a PostgreSQL database which was a first for me. It took all night but I learned a lot. PostgreSQL is a great database that needs a minimum amount of administration and it took a severe hardware failure to cause the problem.

November found me pointing out the epic fail that is Obamacare. Interestingly enough, I found myself riding the chairlift yesterday with a hospital administrator from Texas. I asked him what he thinks of Obamacare and he doesn't really know. One thing he has seen though is a number of private physicians choosing to work for larger hospital chains so they don't have to worry about billing and collections. His thought is that we will see more consolidation in the medical care industry. Oh great! Soon going to the doctor's office is going to be like shopping at Walmart. The exclamation point is my way of expressing sarcasm.

I have spent most of my December playing video games and going skiing. I also had time to write a lot of blog entries as I try to keep the same number as I have for past years. Why 71? That's how it worked out the first year and I figure it is a nice number for a goal.

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